Living Shorelines
2018 - Present
My research focuses on restoration outcomes within Living Shoreline Projects (LSP) in San Francisco Bay. I am exploring multiple ecosystem services of LSPs and associated eelgrass communities; the ability to reduce the effects of sea level rise by reducing wave energy, the ability to sequester carbon through sedimentation, and the potential to reduce ocean acidification through the interaction of residence time and photosynthesis. I am interested in the effects of different restoration designs and implementation, and how restoring LSP and eelgrass ecosystems could help counter some of the impacts of climate change.
Community Ecology of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Moorea, French Polynesia
Fall, 2015
This project was the culmination of an independent research class, held at UC Berkeley's Gump Station on Moorea, French Polynesia. I explored the community population dynamics of fish and invertebrate species on isolated coral heads.